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Monday, May 31, 2004

It' twin sons

The ultrasound on May 28 showed our twins sons in clear view. Twin 1 is a few days larger than Twin 2. They are perfectly healthy.

Sunshine of the Family

I am pregnant for the very first time and with twins! It is a thrilling experience full with joy and fear at the same time. Loon and i are proud to announce and share it with everyone.

My parents are going to be the first time grandparents. Can you imagine their joy when i break the news about the twins. My mom immediately place jossticks for the ancesstors. My sister, Joan, can't stop telling everyone about the good news. My long time no see brother, Chiat, suddenly call up n tell me how excitied he is. The topic of twins has put a sunshine on each one of the family.

Friday, May 28, 2004

ANC (AnteNatal Clinic) in Penang
POA 16W1D. Accompany Tina to her 2nd ANC at Maternity Hospital, Penang.

So let me tell u how's the flow... 8:15am @ the clinic then registered with the staff nurse. 8:30am examined by a JM then waited for routine urine and blood investigation. All of these were done by 9:20am.

The O&G specialist was not in the clinic yet. (I'm not complaining, I know that she has to do moning round in the ward). So we went to canteen for breakfast.

Finally, seen by Dr. K @10:25am. Tina is very happy that her doc is a very friendly lady doctor.

U/S scan shows monozyotic twin. Both twin looks like boy and corresponse to date.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Getting the news

It was 11/5/04, 13+5, arrange an u/s scan for Tina with Dr Yuz.

So.. looking good... the head.. the heartbeat... tummy... spine.. oppss... he/she's moving those tinny limbs...

Wait-da-minute! What's tht??? We saw another head at the other pole! (of coz attatch to body too..) with healthy heartbeats...

So... WOW!!! We have a twin here! (OMG!)

[a moment of silence and eyes wide open... ]

Hmmm... thinking back our family history... do have 2 pairs of twin in the family... but it's paternal side which shoulden count!

Anyway... it's a day of mixed blessing... i mean it's a blessing.. but at the same time.. worrying.

Digested the news well and looking forward for the journey with my twin in their mom's womb. :)